Reflection on Amal Totky

Shafqat Shabbir
1 min readDec 23, 2020

The 5 tips on cultivating a growth mindset or Amal Totky are really good in order to start working on having a growth mindset. I have never come across most of these tips before. While I was going through the tips, they made me feel quite excited about my future self. They encompass so many quality values in them. Once, I start exercising these tips, they are really going to help me become a competent and a person with growth mindset.

My takeaways from the tips are that they are thorough pieces of advice. The first one is really important as talking to one’s own self help you realise the inner voice and strength. It can also help in soul searching. Another takeaway is that we must learn to come out of our comfort zones which will automatically help us grow. Creating new habits is also a great way of growing into a well developed person. The feedback from the people helps you improve and locate as to where you stand in the journey of growth.

My two favourite tips out of all the tips are ‘Create new habits’ and ‘ Get out of your comfort zone’. I think these two processes are the most exciting when it comes to the journey of growth. I have already started to implement getting out of the comfort zone tip. It helps me break my inner shackles and outside barriers. From today I think in order to develop a growth mindset, I can try to incorporate all the 5 tips in my daily activities.

